Thursday, December 14, 2006

Jealous of my husband

I'm jealous of my husband. He was home sick from work all day yesterday. He slept all day. Except when he smelled something cooking. I was sick all day yesterday. Did I get rest? No. I cooked. I cleaned. I have yet to decontaminate the house, but I did the regular daily chores. I took care of minor squabbles. I certainly could have used the rest ... probably less than half of what rest he had.

But there is that little niggling thing about him that makes me unable to be jealous of him. Little colds like this one can touch off migraine headaches where he turns a pasty white color and gets nauseated and sometimes acts on that nausea.

OK, so maybe I'm not so jealous. Anyway, I love him too much!

I forgot to tell you all, in my self-centered way, that my wonderful husband came home from work Monday evening when I was not feeling up to making what I had planned and made us all pancakes and eggs. This was a larger sacrifice for him than someone who just makes dinner for their spouse because pancakes and eggs is part of this chef's son's breakfast. He can't reconcile pancakes, eggs, and dinner. He's a sweetie.

1 comment:

Alice Gunther said...

"A man works from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done." --Old Adage

I hope you get some well deserved rest and feel great for Christmas! Take care of yourself!

You are in my prayers.